Monday, July 7, 2008

Amelia--too big fer her britches!

Amelia was 9 months old as of July 2! She is a VERY active crawler and pulls up onto anything that will sit still long enough, cruising around with little fear or caution. She giggles, mostly at Molly and Rebecca and their silly antics. Over the holiday weekend, she started dancing, which is just a riot to watch. She says 3 things: Dada, Banana (a-nana) and Ta-Da (when she stands up). Her moods are quite extreme--completely happy and mad as a hornet. The happier Amelia is the one we see more often, now that she's mobile. So far, in addition to various organic foods, fruits and breastmilk, she has also eaten (and passed!) a sticker (thanks to the check-out lady at Wild Oats Market), a glittery piece of paper and a small piece of red crayon. We're just strengthening up that digestive tract, you know. She sleeps in her crib now (yippee!), occasionally through the night. Tomorrow is her well-baby check-up so we can see how big she is--though she is truly a little peanut for her age, despite large amounts of food going right through her every day.

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