Monday, June 30, 2008

I Picked Him for This Reason

It's a little belated, since it's about to be July and Father's Day was two weeks ago, but I just wanted to do a quick post about my dear husband Peter, who along with my own dad, is about the niftiest father around. He is engaged, involved, loving, active, patient and funny with our girls. He often asks me "Did you ever think I would be like this?" And I always tell him "YES!" because I picked him for a life partner because I KNEW he would be an awesome father. For Father's Day, we grilled out. My parents came over and we just had a casual Sunday-afternoon cook-out. The grill was part of his Father's Day gift (along with a Boston Red Sox snack bowl and a hanging bird decoration with home-made paper that Molly made back in Kindergarten and has been saving). Here is a picture of Daddy Pete with his three girls, taken in Chattanooga last weekend.

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