Thursday, July 26, 2007

Molly and Papa

Here's a blog posting courtesy of my Dad:

As I was shaving this morning, getting ready to take Molly to her Y summer camp and go to work, Molly started chatting with me. She started reminiscing nostalgically about some things she remembered, and I told her I was impressed with what a good memory she had. Then:

“Papa, do you remember everything about when you were a little boy?”

“Well, I don’t remember everything, but I remember some things.”

“Some things?”


“Can you tell me about such a time, one that you remember?”

“I liked to play like I was a cowboy. I had a Superman cape, and as you know, I still like to play Supergirl with you. And I had an electric train I really enjoyed.”

“An electric train? One that went on a track?”

“Yep. I used to play with that for hours at a time.”

“Where did you get it?”

“It belonged to my brother Bailey. He’s older than me, so when he stopped playing with it, he let me play with it.”

“Will you get me an electric train some day?”

“Well, I might. We’ll see if you want one.”

“Oh, I’ll want one.”

“All right. We’ll see.”

“And then when I stop playing with it, I’ll let my younger sisters play with it.”

“That’s nice, Molly.”

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