Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Grow Big Babies

Went to my first OB appt here and all is well. Had another ultrasound (with my weight loss and dehydration, wanted to make sure the house-like appearance I have achieved isn't just me but also the baby continuing to grow), which confirmed the girl gender and showed one measuring two weeks ahead of schedule in the 99th percentile for weight/growth. As I suspected, she is doing just fine in there! She has round cheeks and chubby thighs, like her sisters when they were born, and weighs close to 3 pounds already--at 26 weeks. My blood pressure is fine, and I have gained one pound since my last visit a month ago (total of 5 lost in the pregnancy to date, but we're back in the positives now). We are holding off on any further GI-related testing as I am stable for now. I like this new provider a lot, so all is well.

The girls were able to play with their cousins Caroline and Hallie while I was doctored. Rebecca immediately put on dress-up clothes (and, in fact, had lost her actual shirt when I came to pick them up and rode home in one of Hallie's shirts!), and Molly watched her favorite show "Hannah Montana." Rebecca was stung by a wasp (or, as she keeps calling it, a "moth") on her neck, but Aunt Laurie said she was very brave and didn't even cry. She got a band-aid and candy "to make me feel better," so all is right with the world. Now that both girls have been stung by something, we are assured they are not allergic (looking on the bright side?).

Tomorrow is The Big Day. An invitation arrived in the mail from Once Upon a Time (the previously blogged-about "princess store") addressed to both Molly and Rebecca. They will be attending the Breakfast with Belle and Mrs. Potts in the morning. I have the video camera charging to capture live footage, and of course, will bring the digital camera.

We are hoping for a visit from Daddy this weekend. He is flying stand-by so we'll see if it works out. I didn't tell the girls about the possibility, to ward off disappointment if things don't go as planned. He's awful lonely up there ("for about two days it's cool to be so free, and then it just isn't anymore"), and we're missing him a bunch down here, so waiting 3 more weeks just doesn't seem fair. We now have Webcams to see him (and so he can see us), but it's not the same.

Hope everyone is having a nice summer, staying cool and finding fun things to do. I know we are!

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