Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Route 12 North!

We packed up the van and headed to the Outer Banks in North Caroline for a week-long, much-needed beach vacation. Our friends from Memphis joined us for a grand total of 6 adults and 8 kids. We had a lovely beach house, within walking distance of both the beach at Corolla and the neighborhood pool. The best part of the schedule was having NO schedule. We'd wake up in the morning, whenever we wanted to, and the kids would ask "What are we doing today?" My gleeful reply? "I don't know!" "When are we going to the beach?" "As soon as your flip flops are on!" The kiddos played in the sand and the waves all morning and in the pool after lunch. We played board games and watched movies. We climbed lighthouses, explored salt-water marshes, drove the length of Route 12 to the south, enjoyed the aquarium, played pirates on a ship, learned how the earliest European settlers lived, went parasailing (me) and sailing (Pete and girls). We grilled out and ate out, had tilefish caught that very day and blue cupcakes for the 4th of July. Good stuff. Good, good stuff.

Pictures here!

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