Friday, January 29, 2010

Since We've No Place To Go, Let It Snow!

As I post to this blog, we are the midst of Icy Death 2010/Arctic Assault/State of Emergency, etc. (When you live in a place that is not used to much winter weather, any prediction of snow or ice is met with fear and anxiety by all, fueled nicely by the weather personalities on our local news stations. To their credit, this one really is pretty nasty, with sleet and snow still coming down in torrential amounts, going on the 8th hour or so.) My clinic closed in advance, so that we could see some of today's patients yesterday. Schools, of course, are closed (they ain't afraid to close some stuff around here at the first whisper of the word "snow"). Everything is canceled. So, here we are, confined to the house. Peter is in, well, I guess right now he's in Philadelphia in the midst of a ridiculous airline fiasco. Looks like he'll get home tomorrow morning. The girls are about to kill each other, if I don't get to 'em first. But on the bright side, we baked chocolate chip cookies, made homemade hot chocolate, painted pictures, played board games, watched one epsisode of Dora, played on, listened to some Joni Mitchell & some Dave Matthews and ate garlic cheese grits. We went outside to have a snowball fight and went sledding on a hill nearby (going just fine until Molly got snow down her pants, and that was that!). The forecast includes continued frozen precip of various types until about 6 am tomorrow. So, since we've no place to go, let it snow!
"Mommy, I ready to pway inna snow! Got my boots and a pretty dress!"

Maybe this is a little more appropriate for the snow!

Snow buddies

My little competitor, ready to pummel someone with a snowball

Molly is ready to "Get Mommy!"

First run: Molly

And Molly again

Rebecca trudges back up, fully dressed with a smile

Rebecca, the fearless one

Ice, ice baby

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