Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nerdifying The Children

One of our Christmas presents from Pete's parents--who were here until Tuesday--was the family version of Trivial Pursuit. We love board games, we love trivia, so TP is a double winner, and we own several versions already. This edition comes with questions for both children and adults!

We christened the game tonight. Rebecca and I were a team, and Peter and Molly challenged us. We alternated kid/adult questions. It's geared towards those over age 8, and Molly just turned 8, while Rebecca is only 5, so the questions were a challenge for them, but they did quite well. They loved reading the questions out loud and Peter and I--in typical Geek Parent fashion--used the questions as jumping off points to teach them a little something they might not have already known. Example: Q for kids: What race is also called the Run for the Roses? A: The Kentucky Derby. Daddy: Do you girls know why? Because the winning horse/jockey is given a blanket of roses as part of the award ceremony. Peter and Molly were the victors tonight, but we were only behind by one pie piece.

Nana's note on the gift indicated we should begin to pass the torch to the next generation. Mission accomplished!

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