Friday, December 4, 2009

The Budget

Money. Ick. Pretty high on my list of things I don't like to talk about--mine, the government's, or anyone else's. For many years, I did the bills in our family. It was stressful. At some point, after one of the girls' births (Rebecca's?), I gladly handed the reigns to the finance-minded one in our house, and felt a tremendous weight lifted. Of course, whatever financial situations we're in, good or bad, I am still part of it, but looking at it on paper over and over again was just overwhelming. And Pete will testify to the fact that I do not like to "go over the budget." Ever. I will, but I don't like it. Perhaps it sounds anti-feminist of me, but I'd rather just have an allowance and not think about the rest. Not reality, I know, but whatever.

I don't love to shop. I enjoy time to myself to browse, but generally, I sort of shop like a guy. I know what I want, I go in, I buy, I leave. This is especially true at Christmas. Parking 6 miles away; worried someone will break into my car and take what's there, even if I "stow it, don't show it" like the police ads suggest; waiting in lines; resisting the extraneous purchases just 'cause "it's a good deal." I try to avoid the mall at all costs. If I have to go there, I try to limit my trip to the department stores that have a door to the outside. And I despise Wal-Mart (another post unto itself). Black Friday baffles me--it is my idea of Hell.

All this just to brag that I have completed my Christmas shopping and I have stayed within the budget we set for the year. Hooray for me! AND I have even wrapped it all and fit each package securely under the tree. Is it possible and even likely that Amelia will tear into some packages in the next 3 weeks? Yes. Have I tried to shove all the gift bags deep under the tree so she doesn't have easy access? Yes. Doesn't matter, because I am finished, and I am happy. And I don't have to think about that Christmas budget anymore in 2009!

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