Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble, Gobble!

I love Thanksgiving. I love Christmas, too, but there's something special about Thanksgiving, because there's not a lot of preparation--other than cooking. Just hanging out with family and friends, enjoying the company and the food. Sitting around playing board games, watching & playing sports, playing hide-and-go-seek, eating too much pie. There are no presents to unwrap, but that's a good thing--because we are reminded to be thankful for what we ALREADY have. God has been more than generous with us this year--health, happiness, security. Friendships overflowing. Laughter and hugs. Family we can count on, near and far. The challenges we have faced have been met with the strength and faith that comes from Above. God is good all the time.

We woke up and watched the Macy's parade in our PJs, started the food prep, worked on building the treehouse (which resulted on one traumatic sliver incident with Rebecca, resolved with nurse Mommy and her tweezers & Granna-and-Papa-lovin'), rode bikes.

Granna and Papa and Aunt Jo joined us for dinner. Amelia's turkey hit her right away, and she was asleep in her high chair before dessert! Aunt Laurie, Uncle Matt, Caroline, Hallie and Annsley came over later for leftovers, basketball and cousin playtime. To close out the day, we watched Miracle on 34th Street--the original, in black-and-white--and kicked off the Christmas season officially. Thank you, God, for your many blessings!

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