Monday, August 31, 2009

Shall We Gather At The River?

A few months ago, Molly began telling us she wanted to be baptized. In the Baptist church, we believe in immersion baptism (dunking), a public symbol of a private prayer to Jesus, asking him to come into one's heart. We consider this a decision to be made, rather than an automatic rite of passage at birth or otherwise. Since Molly was only just turning 7, we weren't all that sure how much she understood what she was asking about. She talked with me, then with Peter, and then with the pastor of the church. She is a bit wise beyond her years and articulated what she was feeling. She had prayed numerous times on her own to tell Jesus she wanted to follow Him and learn about how he wants her to live. She believes Jesus is God's Son and that He was on Earth to save us, she said. One Sunday at the end of June, she came forward at the end of our church service and made a public profession of faith. Yesterday, she moved forward in her decision and was immersed in the warm waters, dying to a life of sin and washed in the sacrificial blood that offers New Life.

With each baptism, I am reminded of my own decision 20+ years ago to walk that walk. Sometimes I fall off the road a little--or a lot--but someone (and I'm pretty sure who it is) always picks me up and guides me to where I need to be. With Molly's baptism, though, I felt more than just grateful for how Jesus loves me and takes care of me. Indeed, I cried tears of joy, knowing she will be on the same road, making some of the same mistakes but always lifted back again into the arms of the One who saves. As her momma, I will be protecting her in all things, but what a relief to know He's got her back, too!

As she and I walked downstairs to return to the congregation, we could hear the chorus of the hymn, "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus." She stopped for a minute and said, "Mom, I know why they're singing that. It's for me. Because I have decided to follow Jesus today!" No turning back, no turning back....

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