Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sand in Our Toes!

On the advice of several of my local cousins in the DC area, we decided to go to the beach at Ocean City, Maryland. It took about 3 hours to get there--but compared to the drives we were used to on this trip, that was nuttin'. We drove back in a torrential downpour after dark, but the girls slept, so it was all good. We played in the sand and the very cold waves until the lifeguards closed the beach due to an impending storm. Peter and I were surprised how much the girls loved the beach--I thought the cold water would be a deterrent and that Amelia would not like the sand. SO wrong! Amelia rolled in the sand, Rebecca couldn't get enough of the water, and everyone made a sand castle, hauling buckets of damp sand around like nobody's business. Then we ate pizza on the Boardwalk, had Thrasher's fries (made with sea salt and apple cider vinegar--yum), and played in the arcade on the Pier when the rain started. Another VERY successful vacation day!

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