Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Little Surfer Girls

After The New England Tour, we headed back down to the DC area. Peter's company has an office there--a new space, in fact--so the plan was that he would work for the week while the girls and I played in DC. Since we got back on a weekend, we needed an activity to pull us out of the company townhouse (and out from under the feet of the two employees living there!). Plan A was The Beach. However, Amelia maimed her baby toe, ripping the nail off, bleeding profusely and leaving the nail bed vulnerable to things like sand and salt. To give the toe a little healing time, we decided to postpone the beach day trip & stay in the Alexandria area. Cameron Run Park and its family-friendly water park turned out to be the solution we sought! Big waterslides for Mom, Dad and Molly, smaller slides for everyone, waterfalls and shallow pools for Amelia. Hot enough to be grateful for the water, cool enough to be outside the water without cooking. A lovely wave pool with inner tubes for riding the gentle waves. You can just hear the Jimmy Buffet/Beach Boys/UB40 music...(no, I mean, quite literally, you could hear it). A few pictures to prove we were there:

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