Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hippity Hoppity

Easter's on its way! Though the weather has been testy and unpredictable, we have had a few super-lovely days lately. We have enjoyed grilling out, eating on our deck and lots of bike riding (Molly FINALLY without training wheels!). Our azaleas are blooming, the tulips and daffodils are out.

Our church had its annual Easter Fest, complete with crafts, games, egg hunts, and pony rides. Amelia's daycare class had an Easter party yesterday--I made duck-shaped turkey sandwiches for that one! And today, Rebecca's sweet preschool had its Easter Egg hunt and party. Peter, Papa and I all came to hide the eggs (as much as one can hide eggs in a field of mowed grass!) and watch Rebecca enjoy her treats afterward.

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