Monday, November 3, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Since she has become a reader, Molly reads anything she can get her hands on. She reads street signs, notes from school, and food carton labels. She was looking intently at a 20 oz lemonade bottle one day. I thought nothing of it. Later that day, I was getting orange juice from the fridge and was jiggling the carton around while I got a glass out of the cabinet. "Mom, is that a drink that you need to shake well before enjoying?"

As you most likely know, I am a big proponent of breastfeeding. Both Molly and Rebecca nursed until they were over age 1, 16 months and 13 months respectively. It's a gift we can offer our children, and I loved the connection I felt while doing it. So, Amelia now has 8 teeth and had started to slack off in requesting to nurse as she turned one. About 4 days went by without either of us offering/asking. Then she got fussy for no apparent reason one day and I offered again. She stopped crying, looked me straight in the eye and said, clear as a bell, "Nah!" and walked away. Consider her weaned!

It's a digital age. My kids do not remember a time when one had to wait for a picture to be developed before they could see it. They know how to put in a DVD and play a CD. They know how to make a call on my cell phone. But the depth of this digital world struck me the other night as I was reading to Rebecca. "Mom, can you pause it?" "What?" "Can you pause the book? I need to go to the bathroom." HeeHee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trav uses "can you pause it?" alot too... guess it's a generational thing!