Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Milestones for Mimi

One of Amelia's many nicknames is "Mimi." Her teachers at school have attached themselves to that one, too, so she answers to it easily. She is not just walking now--running is a better term. Her favorite toy has a mirror with lights and music--she squats in front of it and dances, kisses her image and laughs. This was a pass-along toy from cousin Annsley--thanks, girl! Mimi is also obsessed with PeekABoo Baby, a board book we now read about 27 times daily. Fortunately, all four of us can read it, since the words are simple enough for the 4-year-old, too. That way, no one person is overwhelmed with this fascinating work of infant lit. She loves bathtime: Fill up the big cup with water. Put the toys one by one into the cup to watch them float, giggling with each plop! into the water. Dump the water and toys. Repeat. Chew on shampoo bottle. Offer this to Molly and Rebecca if they are close by. Laugh hysterically if they also chew on the bottle. Repeat.

Amelia will be one on October 2. Wow.

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