Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What Goes Down Must Come Up

Puke-a-palooza continues. Today, Molly had to be picked up from school. Tomorrow I will be home with her. I have spent the evening cleaning the other two couch cushions (see previous entry) and yet another spot on the Oriental rug. My dad saved the day by leaving work early to rescue the school administrators who were hanging onto Molly and her pale, lethargic, toasty warm (not in a good way) body. I raced home from Dyersburg, frantically trying to decide how to handle the rest of the week with no daddy in town and sick kiddos and a full work schedule. Hmmmm.

Kids are all in bed now, after Rebecca sobbed upon realizing Big Sister wasn't sleeping in her bed with her tonight and Amelia practically gnawed her fist off in a teething fit after dinner and Molly passed out by 6:45.

The weekend cannot come soon enough!

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