Monday, August 4, 2008

Cooling Off in Downtown Memphis

It's been pushing 100 degrees here (the heat index is well over that) for about two weeks. Time to chill out! On one of their last days off before school starts again, Molly and Rebecca went with me to Mud Island, down on the Mississippi River. There's a museum there about riverboats and stuff, but we were going to walk the River Walk and play in the fountain. No learning, just wetness. At the end, when the mission had been accomplished, I said to Rebecca, "I guess I should have put your swimsuits on for this adventure." She replied, "Actually, it was more fun to swim in our clothes!"

riding on the monorail over the river to the island

posing in front of the desoto bridge

before mommy announced it was okay to get clothes wet!

in the River Walk, with the real river as a backdrop

now the clothes are fully wet!


if that doesn't cool you off, what will?

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