Friday, February 15, 2008

Update on Le Femme Marsh Un & Deux

Molly is going to a new school, embracing the challenges of her new class beautifully. In the afternoons, she gets to ride the bus home with her cousins, which makes her feel like a very big girl! She's making friends and reading well. She can tell time (on a real clock, not just digital!) and do basic math. She recently completed the Kindergarten booklet for the St. Jude Mathathon. Her class had a birthday party for Oscar the Grouch while studying the letter "O." They also celebrated the 100th Day of School with a big counting party, as well as the 101st Day by dressing in black and white and watching 101 Dalmatians. I had lunch with her on Wednesday, which was a treat for both of us. Molly is in a Daisy girl scout troop, and Feb 9 was World Thinking Day. Her troop had South Africa as a country to display. All the troops had booths with new foods to try and costumes to wear.

Rebecca's Montessori preschool has been busy, too! For Mardi Gras, she wore a purple and green mask and ate a King Cake. Two classmates, Haley and Drake, found the plastic babies in their slices and they got to ride in a "parade" around the school's circular drive while parents marched behind and threw candy, coins and beads to the other kids who were parade-watchers (like Rebecca). Peter was a walker in this parade. He said the kids were really into it. The challenge for the parents was the proximity of the children to the throwers-of-candy. Since the kids were pretty close to them, it sort of felt like they were pelting the kids with beads--a few times, some kid got nailed in the head with a lollipop and had to bounce back in time to catch the next treat coming his way! Next came the Chinese New Year, when Rebecca dressed in a Chinese dress from Aunt Jenny and wore red tights (red is the traditional color to wear for Chinese New Year). It's the Year of the Rat, she told me. Also, they learned the story of a dragon, which they acted out on New Year's Day (Feb 7). She got to stomp on bubble wrap to try to scare away the dragon (portrayed by the bigger kids/Kindergarteners) with the noise. And it worked!

For an Amelia update, scroll down!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seriously did Peter have ANYTHING to do with Molly - she looks like you and Meredith had a baby! No offense Peter :) you need to post some photos of you as a little girl so I can see that you are twins with your daughter. Which I am insanely jealous of since Ben and madeline both look like Brad.