Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Colic (kah' lick)--from the Greek word for "pulling my hair out!"

As I write this post, my beautiful, cuddly, sweet little baby is screaming her lungs out for no apparent reason. She has been doing this for the last 2 hours, almost non-stop, except for very brief nursing times. She cries whether I hold her or not. She is clean and full, not hot or cold. I have given her three different types of tummy relaxing drops, one over-the-counter, one herbal and one prescription-strength. I have read The Happiest Baby on the Block and tried to channel that "calming reflex." I have changed my diet to attempt to isolate any potential foods that might be upsetting her. We hold her every which way except upside-down. She continues to cry.

I hate colic. I hate that I can't make my baby feel better. It seems like she is in pain, as she pulls her feet against her, clenches her fists, alternately cries rhythmically and then in screaming desperation. And yet I cannot help her. "Colic," I have learned, is more likely to happen to the children of teenage parents, to premature babies, to stressed-out moms--this all seems highly unfair, since these are the people who are already facing challenges; to add colic is just wrong! I am not a teenager, and Amelia was not a preemie, and I do not feel particularly stressed-out (except when she is colicky!). But colic strikes even the full-term babies and the 30-something, not stressed-out moms. So here we are.

Hateful really. This too shall pass...


Anonymous said...

courtney, you are an amazing writer--i have just sat here at triage, without one patient and read your ENTIRE postings! i don't want to say more here but i will be in touch and continue to read--we have ALOT in common right now! Lani S. :) MISS YOU!

The Happiest Baby, Inc. said...

Dear Courtney:

Congratulations on Amelia! She looks absolutely adorable.

I know having a colic baby is though and I know you read Dr. Karp's book "The Happiest Baby on the Block", but I wanted to let you know that you may find it useful to watch The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD (instead of just reaading the book).

Dr. Karp recommends watching the DVD first, then reading the book. Although the book is much more informational than the DVD, the DVD is the best way to be introduced to Dr. Karp’s methods. Most new moms find this visual approach a much simpler and faster way to learn Dr. Karp’s great techniques; and Dads and other caregivers also love watching this very “hands-on” DVD. Knowing how to do the 5 S's correctly (as the DVD shows) and using strong white noise will help you with the colic.

Dr. Karp stresses the importance of using strong white noise, like our Super Soothing Sleep Sounds CD, to help improve the quality of Amelia's sleep, and increase her sleep by at least an additional 1-3hours nightly. The CD should be played as loudly as a shower sound. It can be used for many, many more months to come; and parents also find it useful in the car and on trips!

For more information, or to purchase products, please visit www.thehappiestbaby.com.

Happy holidays!

Best wishes,

The Happiest Baby, Inc.
12300 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 320
Los Angeles CA 90025
Tel: 310-207-1111
Fax: 310-207-1221