Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rantings from the Mom of a Newborn

Very exciting and important things are happening in the world, I am sure of this. However, I do not know about most of them, because I am busy sleeping at weird hours of the day and night (mostly day), making myself available for frequent feedings, going through enormous amounts of environmentally-unfriendly diapers (not for me, but for Amelia), going to parent-teacher conferences, carpooling to Daisy Girl Scouts, examining a 3-year-old's bruised butt from a tumble over the chair, and eating whatever and whenever it's feasible. Don't misunderstand me--I LOVE this stuff, it's just amazing how out of touch one becomes in a short period of time.

Amelia is 2 weeks old today. Her umbilical cord stump fell off yesterday and she slept for nearly 4 hours at a stretch last night! We have had lots of help this week from Nana, who is visiting from Florida. With one baby, people need help with the baby. With all subsequent kids, people need help with the older kids! Somehow Nana (and Granna, Papa and Aunt Mer before that) manages to help with ALL the kids. You guys are truly lifesavers!

Our beloved Red Sox are now behind in the series, with the Indians leading 2 games to 1. We watch faithfully, even through crying and nursing and bruised butts. So I guess we're not totally out of the loop. After all, baseball is more important than anything else, right? Right.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Courtney, she is just beautiful. We have been so busy that I just found out on Sunday! Congratulations!