Thursday, October 25, 2007

Clever, clever kid

Last Friday, I bought Molly a glittery pen as a "prize" for running so well in her school Fun Run (32 laps!). Yesterday, we were at the store in the check-out line, the same store where the pen was purchased. Molly told me she'd lost the glittery pen, "and I see some more of them over there. Can I get another one?" "No," I told her, "you already had your chance with that pen." A few moments passed in silence. Then Molly said, "Mommy, remember when we learned that word MERCY?" I started to laugh a little. "It means giving people second chances," she reminded me.


Anonymous said...

So... did she get the new pen ?!

Don't leave us hanging!

Anonymous said...

I think she should consider going into the legal profession. Tom/Dad/Papa