Saturday, August 25, 2007


Some women crave foods when they're pregnant. With Molly, I desperately wanted Cheetos and beef (which, until that point, I had not eaten in 10 years). With Rebecca, it was asparagus and Twinkies (sometimes together!). Probably because of my nausea/vomiting problem this time around, I have not really craved many foods, although there was a period of time when I drank a gallon of milk every two days. My real obsession during this pregnancy is bubbly things. Let me give some examples.

First of all, I am in love with my foaming bathroom cleanser. I love the look of it, the smell of it, the feel of it. I have cleaned my bathroom--I mean, DEEP cleaned it--four times this week, just so that I am doing something productive with the bubbles. Otherwise, I could just spray it and sniff it and that would be enough. But now I have a sparkly bathroom.

Which brings me to my next love--foaming soaps. At my doctor's office, they have some scented hand soap from Bath-and-Bodyworks. It pumps out nice & foamy and bubbles up in the sink. I find myself washing my hands and then letting the sink basin fill with bubbles as I rinse and repeat and repeat again. There's a mountain of bubbles when I am finished. So satisfying.

Similarly, I love the foaming hand sanitizer at my office. There are automated pumps--you just put your hand under and a surprisingly pleasing little dollop of foamy sanitizer just dispenses right into your palm. It smells clean and a bit like rubbing alcohol and foams a little when you rub it in, and then it just goes away. Like Purell gel, but better because it's in bubble form. I am addicted to that stuff. I use it when I go in to see a patient, when I come out of the exam room, when I pass by a dispenser in the hallway, after I touch another person, after I put down the phone, any excuse will do! I love the hands-free part, but mostly I love the look of the bubbles and the smell.

I am assuming this is pregnancy-related and that I am not losing my mind. I reassure myself that at least I do not want to EAT them (this is called "pica"--some pregnant women get this and eat non-nutritive substances such as dirt, clay, baking powder, detergent, etc.). I just want to smell and touch the bubbles. A lot.

What did you crave when you were pregnant?

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