Monday, August 10, 2009

Good Golly Miss Molly!

The end of the summer brought two camps for Molly, each lasting 2 weeks.

First, Drawing and Painting Camp at Memphis College of Art. After hearing negative comments from other parents who sent kids to other local art camps, I certainly hoped for better. She came home on Day One talking about texture, dimension and perspective--no paper plate face masks or brown paper bag puppets. She had pieces done with charcoal, acrylics, chalk, watercolors. After the camp was over, the College displayed one representative piece per student from the entire summer, in their Entry Gallery. Very professional. It truly felt like my kid's artwork was in a museum--and she was just thrilled. Her piece had great dimension--the assignment was to create a picture using "monsters" in the shape of her own traced feet. She had bits popping out, lots of color, and plenty of texture. We were proud, and so was she!

Molly finished up the summer with Summer Youth Conservatory at Circuit Playhouse in Midtown. Ever the Drama Queen, she practiced her trio ("Consider Yourself" from Oliver!) in an English accent, and was happy to run her lines from the skit at the drop of a hat. The acting pieces were original ones--created from the ideas of the students (ages 7-11) and woven together by their instructors. A sweet surprise at the start of the performance: Molly won the Excellence in Music Award, given to 3 students, one from each age level, who demonstrated enthusiasm, cooperation and participation in the music portion of the camp. Nana, Granna, Rebecca and I were able to see the live show. A DVD will be sent to us later, so those who missed it can experience her stage debut!

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