When Molly begs to watch TV for longer than any person should, I remind her that TV is bad for her brain. It doesn't allow her to think creatively or use her imagination. Only rarely does she learn anything from TV. She accepts this reality in a way that I think is pretty refreshing for a 6-year-old.
That being said, I am now hooked on a TV-related phenomenon. I am a Johnny-come-lately to this technology. I love TiVo.
For the unindoctrinated, TiVo is the ability to tell your TV to record anything you want--you can program the TV to record a series for you, everytime it comes on, on any channel. It is all stored for you in Technology World, and all you have to do to watch your show or movie is use your remote. No scratched DVDs. No VCR tapes. Just turn it on and scroll down your list. If you need to pause, just pause and it saves your spot for eternity.
I am not a TV junkie. I am a junkie of other things, but not TV. There have been a handful of shows in my adulthood that I have enjoyed--Seinfeld, The West Wing, The Daily Show. Even shows I like, I have no idea when they come on. This is because I have a lot of kids and I work a lot. "Prime time" television for me just doesn't happen. I am feeding & bathing children; preparing lunches, clothes and snacks for the next day; doing homework and tucking kids in, all during ER and Desperate Housewives and CSI: Miami. Until very recently, I blissfully existed without these shows.
TiVo has changed all that. Now, at 10:30 p.m. or 2:30 a.m., I can watch an hour-long show that came on two days ago, skipping happily through all the commercials (therefore sucking a mere 40 minutes out of my evening) while folding clothes and packing snacks. When Amelia was awake this morning from 3:30 until 4:30, I watched an episode of Ace of Cakes and half of Law and Order:SVU while I walked with her and nursed her. I love this new freedom!
Here are the shows I have set to record, as of today:
1. John Adams series on HBO--this is amazing!
2. Ace of Cakes on Food Network--the kids like to watch this one with me!
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC--when I feel like I live my whole life for my kids, I just watch this show about a couple with twin 6-yr-olds and 6 sextuplets age 3. Then I feel better. And I am grateful I did not ever take fertility drugs.
4. House--I have worked with many a doctor with House's bad qualities, though none of them have the brilliance factor he has
5. King--documentary about MLK that ran last weekend; I'll get around to watching this soon!
6. The Human Footprint on National Geographic--about what we are leaving behind.
7. Don't Forget the Lyrics!--karaoke reality show with Wayne Brady (hot!) as the host. I thought Peter and I knew the words to a lot of songs. Apparently, we don't. But these insane lunatics do.
Soon I will add Project Runway and Grey's Anatomy. We also recorded Yo Gabba Gabba to distract Amelia when she's fussy and we recently recorded Ice Age and Anastasia for Molly & Becca. Peter has some stuff he's set the TiVo to record for him, too, so we're all happy!
Yes, TV is bad for my brain. But I am a grown-up and if I want ice cream for breakfast, doggone it, I'm havin' it!